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Gastric Sleeve Surgery, or Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), is a transformative weight loss procedure that brings significant changes to your body. While it helps achieve substantial weight loss, it also leads to several physiological and metabolic changes that affect your appetite, how your body processes food, and overall health. Understanding what happens to your body after a gastric sleeve procedure can help you prepare for the journey ahead.

At Tour Medical, we work with trusted Health Tourism Authorized clinics in Turkey, where doctors assess your suitability for Gastric Sleeve Surgery and guide you through the recovery process.

Immediate Changes After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  1. Reduction in Stomach Size
    After Gastric Sleeve Surgery, your stomach size is significantly reduced—about 75-80% is removed, leaving a smaller, tube-like structure that can hold only a limited amount of food.

    • Limited Food Intake: With a smaller stomach, you can only eat small portions of food, promoting weight loss as you consume fewer calories.
  2. Hormonal Changes Affecting Hunger
    The surgery also affects your body’s hunger hormone, ghrelin, which stimulates appetite.

    • Lower Ghrelin Levels: With the removal of the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin, patients experience a reduction in hunger and appetite.
  3. Healing and Recovery
    Immediately after surgery, your body needs time to heal from the procedure.

    • Incision Healing: Laparoscopic surgery leaves small incisions that heal over 2-4 weeks.
    • Pain and Discomfort: Some discomfort around the incision sites is normal and can be managed with prescribed medications.

Changes in Digestion and Absorption

  1. Food Intake and Digestive Process
    Gastric Sleeve Surgery changes how much food you can eat, but it does not alter the way your body digests or absorbs nutrients.

    • Normal Nutrient Absorption: Unlike other bariatric surgeries like Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve does not reroute the digestive system, so nutrient absorption remains unchanged.
    • Smaller Meals: You’ll need to eat smaller, more frequent meals to avoid discomfort.
  2. Dietary Changes
    Your diet will transition through different stages as your stomach heals:

    • Liquid Diet: For the first week, you’ll be on a liquid diet to allow your stomach to heal.
    • Pureed and Soft Foods: Over the next few weeks, you’ll transition to soft foods.
    • Regular Diet: By 6-8 weeks, you can begin eating solid foods, though portion control remains essential.

Weight Loss and Metabolic Changes

  1. Rapid Weight Loss
    The combination of a smaller stomach, reduced appetite, and changes in diet leads to rapid weight loss.

    • Initial Weight Loss: Most patients lose 30-40% of their excess weight in the first 3-6 months.
    • Long-Term Weight Loss: By 12-18 months, patients can expect to lose 60-70% of their excess weight.
  2. Changes in Metabolism
    Gastric Sleeve Surgery also influences your metabolism, improving how your body regulates blood sugar.

    • Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Many patients experience better control over their blood sugar, reducing the risk or severity of Type 2 diabetes.
    • Increased Energy Levels: As you lose weight, you’ll notice increased energy, making it easier to engage in physical activities.

Physical and Health Benefits

  1. Improvement in Obesity-Related Conditions
    Significant weight loss often leads to improvements in several obesity-related health issues, including:

    • Type 2 Diabetes: Many patients experience better blood sugar control or even remission.
    • Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol: Reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels decrease the risk of heart disease.
    • Improved Sleep Apnea: Weight loss helps alleviate obstructive sleep apnea.
  2. Reduction in Joint Pain
    Carrying excess weight strains your joints. As you lose weight, you’ll experience:

    • Improved Mobility: Less pressure on joints, leading to reduced joint pain and greater mobility.

Emotional and Psychological Changes

  1. Emotional Adjustments
    Gastric Sleeve Surgery is not just a physical transformation; it also involves emotional adjustments.

    • Body Image: As your body changes, it may take time to adjust to your new appearance, and you may benefit from counseling or support groups to navigate the emotional journey.
    • Relationship with Food: You will need to develop a healthier relationship with food, shifting from eating for comfort to eating for nutrition.
  2. Hormonal Impact on Mood
    Hormonal changes can also affect mood, sometimes leading to:

    • Mood Swings: Changes in ghrelin levels and rapid weight loss can cause emotional fluctuations.

Long-Term Changes and Challenges

  1. Nutritional Deficiencies
    Although Gastric Sleeve Surgery doesn’t affect nutrient absorption, the reduction in food intake may lead to deficiencies.

    • Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: You’ll need to take supplements like Vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and multivitamins to ensure proper nutrition.
  2. Lifestyle Adjustments
    Long-term success after surgery requires maintaining healthy habits.

    • Diet and Exercise: Sticking to a balanced diet, portion control, and regular exercise is crucial to keeping the weight off.
    • Avoiding Old Habits: Reverting to old eating habits can lead to weight regain, so adopting a new, healthier lifestyle is essential.

FAQs About What Happens to Your Body After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  1. What happens to your stomach after Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    About 75-80% of your stomach is removed, reducing its capacity and limiting food intake.

  2. How does Gastric Sleeve Surgery affect hunger?
    The surgery reduces ghrelin levels, decreasing hunger and appetite.

  3. Will I lose weight immediately after surgery?
    Yes, most patients begin losing weight immediately, with the most rapid weight loss occurring in the first 6 months.

  4. How does digestion change after Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    Digestion remains the same, but you’ll need to eat smaller portions and chew food thoroughly.

  5. Do I need to follow a special diet after surgery?
    Yes, your diet will transition from liquids to pureed foods and then solid foods, with portion control being key to success.

  6. What are the health benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    Benefits include improved control of Type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure, and reduced joint pain.

  7. Will I need vitamin supplements after surgery?
    Yes, lifelong supplements are necessary to prevent nutrient deficiencies.

  8. How does Gastric Sleeve Surgery affect my energy levels?
    As you lose weight, your energy levels will improve, making physical activity easier.

  9. Can emotional changes occur after Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    Yes, emotional changes are common, and counseling or support groups may be beneficial.

  10. Can I regain weight after Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    Weight regain is possible if you don’t follow dietary and exercise guidelines.

At Tour Medical, we work with experienced Health Tourism Authorized clinics in Turkey to provide expert care throughout your weight loss journey.

Email: info@tourmedical.com

"This information has been prepared in collaboration with our contracted partner clinics and doctors. Tour Medical is a health tourism agency and does not directly provide medical treatments or does not offer advice, recommendations, or comments regarding medical treatments. Treatments and recomomdations provided at Partner Clinics with Health Tourism Authorization."

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