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Gastric Balloon vs. Gastric Sleeve: Which is Better?

Focus Keyword: Gastric Balloon vs. Gastric Sleeve

When it comes to weight loss solutions, Gastric Balloon and Gastric Sleeve Surgery are two popular bariatric procedures that can help individuals struggling with obesity achieve their weight loss goals. However, these two methods differ significantly in terms of approach, cost, and results. If you are considering a weight loss procedure, understanding the differences between a Gastric Balloon and Gastric Sleeve Surgery will help you determine which is the better choice for you.

In this guide, we will compare Gastric Balloon vs. Gastric Sleeve, discuss their advantages and disadvantages, and help you decide which weight loss procedure is the right option for your needs.

What is a Gastric Balloon?

A Gastric Balloon is a non-surgical weight loss option where a silicone balloon is inserted into the stomach and filled with saline. This balloon takes up space in the stomach, which reduces the amount of food you can consume, making you feel full sooner and aiding in weight loss. The Gastric Balloon is a temporary procedure and is typically left in place for 6 months before it is removed.

  • Procedure Type: Non-surgical and minimally invasive
  • Duration: The balloon is removed after 6 months
  • Recovery Time: Minimal, with patients often resuming normal activities in a few days
  • Weight Loss Results: On average, patients can lose 15-25% of their excess body weight while the balloon is in place​

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric Sleeve Surgery, also known as Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), is a surgical weight loss procedure in which approximately 75-80% of the stomach is removed. This reduces the stomach to a small sleeve-like shape, which limits the amount of food you can eat and helps with portion control. It also significantly reduces the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, which helps decrease appetite.

  • Procedure Type: Surgical and permanent
  • Duration: Permanent procedure, performed laparoscopically under general anesthesia
  • Recovery Time: 4-6 weeks for full recovery, with 1-3 days of hospital stay
  • Weight Loss Results: Patients typically lose 60-70% of excess body weight within 12-18 months​.

Gastric Balloon vs. Gastric Sleeve: A Detailed Comparison

1. Procedure Type and Invasiveness

  • Gastric Balloon: Non-surgical and minimally invasive. The balloon is placed using an endoscope and is removed after 6 months.
  • Gastric Sleeve: Requires surgery and is performed laparoscopically. It involves the permanent removal of a portion of the stomach, making it irreversible​.

2. Duration and Reversibility

  • Gastric Balloon: The balloon is temporary and is removed after 6 months. The procedure is fully reversible, and the stomach returns to its normal size after removal.
  • Gastric Sleeve: Permanent procedure. Once a large portion of the stomach is removed, it cannot be reattached, making this an irreversible option​

3. Weight Loss Effectiveness

  • Gastric Balloon: Weight loss varies, but most patients lose 15-25% of their excess weight while the balloon is in place. The results depend heavily on adherence to a healthy diet and exercise plan.
  • Gastric Sleeve: Offers more significant and sustained weight loss, with patients typically losing 60-70% of their excess body weight within 12-18 months. This is due to the permanent reduction in stomach size and the decreased production of hunger hormones​.

4. Recovery Time and Side Effects

  • Gastric Balloon: Recovery is quick, with patients resuming normal activities within a few days. Some patients may experience initial nausea or vomiting as their body adjusts to the balloon.
  • Gastric Sleeve: Requires 4-6 weeks for full recovery, with patients staying in the hospital for 1-3 days. Possible complications include infection, leakage, and blood clots​.

5. Eligibility Requirements

  • Gastric Balloon: Suitable for patients with a BMI between 30-40 who are looking for a non-surgical solution to jump-start weight loss.
  • Gastric Sleeve: Ideal for individuals with a BMI of 40 or higher or 35-39.9 with obesity-related health conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes or hypertension

6. Cost

  • Gastric Balloon: Generally costs between $3,000 to $8,000, depending on the clinic and location. It is usually not covered by insurance.
  • Gastric Sleeve: More expensive, ranging from $10,000 to $20,000, but it may be covered by insurance if certain criteria are met​.

Pros and Cons of Gastric Balloon


  1. Non-Surgical: No incisions or general anesthesia are required.
  2. Quick Recovery: Patients can return to their normal activities in just a few days.
  3. Temporary: A good option for those hesitant about permanent surgery​.


  1. Temporary Results: The balloon must be removed after 6 months, and without lifestyle changes, weight regain is possible.
  2. Mild Discomfort: Some patients may experience nausea or vomiting initially.
  3. Less Weight Loss: Results may not be as significant compared to Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Pros and Cons of Gastric Sleeve Surgery


  1. Significant and Sustained Weight Loss: Patients can achieve substantial weight loss, leading to improved health conditions like Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea.
  2. Permanent Solution: The procedure permanently reduces the stomach size, making it a powerful tool for lifelong weight management.
  3. Reduced Hunger: Removal of a large portion of the stomach reduces the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, making it easier to control appetite​.


  1. Irreversible: The surgery is permanent, and the removed portion of the stomach cannot be replaced.
  2. Surgical Risks: As with any surgery, there are risks involved, including leakage, infection, and blood clots.
  3. Longer Recovery: Recovery takes several weeks, and patients need to follow strict post-operative dietary guidelines​.

Which is Better: Gastric Balloon or Gastric Sleeve?

The decision between a Gastric Balloon and Gastric Sleeve Surgery ultimately depends on your individual health needs, weight loss goals, and readiness for surgery.

  • Gastric Balloon is ideal for individuals who:
    • Have a BMI between 30-40 and do not qualify for surgical options.
    • Want a non-surgical, temporary weight loss solution.
    • Are looking for a quick, minimally invasive way to kick-start their weight loss journey​
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery is better for individuals who:
    • Have a BMI of 40 or higher or 35-39.9 with obesity-related health conditions.
    • Need a long-term, permanent solution for significant weight loss.
    • Are committed to making lifelong dietary and lifestyle changes to achieve and maintain weight loss​.

FAQs About Gastric Balloon vs. Gastric Sleeve

  1. How much weight can I lose with a Gastric Balloon vs. Gastric Sleeve?
    With a Gastric Balloon, patients can lose 15-25% of their excess weight, while Gastric Sleeve Surgery results in 60-70% of excess weight loss within 12-18 months​.
  2. Is the Gastric Balloon reversible?
    Yes, the Gastric Balloon is a temporary procedure and can be removed at any time. The stomach returns to its original size once the balloon is removed​
  3. Which procedure has a shorter recovery time?
    The Gastric Balloon has a shorter recovery time, with most patients returning to normal activities within a few days. Gastric Sleeve Surgery requires 4-6 weeks for a full recovery​.
  4. Can I regain weight after either procedure?
    Yes, weight regain is possible with both procedures if healthy eating and exercise habits are not maintained. Gastric Sleeve tends to have more sustained results due to the permanent reduction in stomach size​.
  5. What are the risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    Risks include leakage, infection, and blood clots. Complications are relatively rare when performed by an experienced surgeon​
  6. Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery painful?
    Some discomfort is expected, particularly around the incision sites, but pain can be managed with medication and usually subsides after a few days​.
  7. Will insurance cover Gastric Sleeve Surgery or Gastric Balloon?

Gastric Sleeve Surgery may be covered by insurance if you meet specific medical criteria, such as a high BMI or obesity-related health conditions. Coverage for the Gastric Balloon varies by provider, and it is less commonly covered compared to surgical procedures like Gastric Sleeve​.

  1. How soon can I see results with a Gastric Balloon?
    Most patients begin to see weight loss results within the first few weeks after the Gastric Balloon is inserted, especially if they follow a proper diet and exercise plan​
  2. How does hunger compare between the Gastric Balloon and Gastric Sleeve?
    The Gastric Sleeve reduces hunger more significantly due to the removal of the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin, the hunger hormone. The Gastric Balloon helps reduce appetite by taking up space in the stomach but does not have the same hormonal effect​.
  3. Can I exercise with a Gastric Balloon?
    Yes, exercise is encouraged while the Gastric Balloon is in place. Physical activity is an important component of a successful weight loss plan for both the Gastric Balloon and Gastric Sleeve​.
  4. Is the Gastric Sleeve a permanent procedure?
    Yes, Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a permanent procedure that involves removing a large portion of the stomach, making it irreversible​
  5. Can the Gastric Balloon be placed multiple times?
    Yes, after removal, the Gastric Balloon can be placed again if necessary, provided the patient still meets the criteria for the procedure and wants to continue with this weight loss method​.
  6. What if I don’t qualify for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    If you do not qualify for Gastric Sleeve Surgery, the Gastric Balloon is a good alternative for those with a lower BMI or those looking for a less invasive weight loss option​.
  7. Which procedure provides faster weight loss?
    Gastric Sleeve Surgery generally provides faster and more significant weight loss compared to the Gastric Balloon, as it involves a permanent reduction in stomach size and decreased hunger hormone production​
  8. Do I need to take supplements after either procedure?
    Gastric Sleeve Surgery patients must take vitamin and mineral supplements for life due to the reduced stomach capacity and nutrient absorption. With the Gastric Balloon, supplements are typically not necessary unless there are specific deficiencies​.

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"This information has been prepared in collaboration with our contracted partner clinics and doctors. Tour Medical is a health tourism agency and does not directly provide medical treatments or does not offer advice, recommendations, or comments regarding medical treatments. Treatments and recomomdations provided at Partner Clinics with Health Tourism Authorization."

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